16/02/2025 966-11-4768086+ trading@awe.com.sa

About Alwissam Alarabi Ltd Company

We are at your service

About AWE

In the year 1395 AH and throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, our launch was to the world of contracting and construction of all kinds, electrical and mechanical works, It has proven its ability to implement projects professionally and accurately, in accordance with specifications, contracts and the approved time period, which allowed it to gain the confidence of its customers, expand and develop its activities and services, and obtain a first-class classification in its fields of work in the construction and building sector from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing. The second degree in the field of communications and information technology, This continuous development in our path and our adoption by most government agencies and departments in the implementation of construction and building projects, communication networks and programming, artificial intelligence technology, It is due to our commitment to one goal, which is leadership and perfection in work, And providing the best to the country in the field of our various services, which also include the field of trade, operation, maintenance and catering.

  • Number of projects implemented within the agreed time 93%
  • Annual increase in projectsاً 35%
  • The number of employees increases every year 15%

Director’s word

From the world of building and construction in terms of quality and organized plans for the implementation of all construction, restoration and maintenance works, And from the world of technology and information engineering in terms of organization, programming and artificial intelligence, And from the world of commerce where there is honest competition according to the principles of buying and selling, We introduce to you our company “Al-Wissam Al-Arabi Company Limited”, Hoping to be the medal for our beloved kingdom with all the services we provide to our honorable people, And to leave a distinctive and modern imprint entitled leadership, progress and innovation in the three areas that we care about.

Our Message

We address our message with the term commitment, where we are committed to providing a high level of services that matches the quality standards that satisfy our customers and achieve their desires and goals.

Our Vision

Out of our belief in our dear country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the vision of its leadership 2030, Al-Wissam Al-Arabi Co. Ltd. has drawn a vision that keeps pace with and moves towards the nation’s vision of entrepreneurship, job localization, and local and global competitiveness with advanced specifications and technologies.


Customer trusts us

Successful Project

project in progress


The lasting value of working with a motto:

Quality and perfection

Excellence and innovation

Commitment and loyalty

Skill and transparency

Our goals

Leaving a distinctive imprint in the world of contracting and communications

Development, leadership and achieving the best results at work

Provide solutions that meet market demands

Striving to gain the trust of customers and provide everything that satisfies them